Hilltop Saasveld

An area next to the Garden Route Dam with great single tracks. Includes the Groeneweide hiking trails and Tierkop MTB route. Thank you to Hilltop Boutique Hotel for sponsoring this route.

Garden route dam northern view

Saasveld Loop

Distance: 15,4 km
Time: MTB <2 h
Time: Trail Running ±2 h
Saasveld mountain bike trails

Dam Dash

Distance: 5,5 km
Time: MTB <1 h
Time: Trail Running <1 h
Hiking: 1 - 2 h

Pine Time

Distance: 11 km
Time: (MTB) <1 h
Time: (TR) 1 - 2 h
Time: (Hiking) 2 - 3 h

Root ‘n Roll

Distance: 18 km
Time: (MTB) 1 - 2 h
Time: (TR) 3.5 - 3 h
Time: (Hiking) 3 - 5 h